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  • Zoids: New Century Zero was a fairly light-hearted series, as they couldn't take themselves seriously for very long. The moment that always elicits giggles from this troper is where Bit accidentally walks in on Leena bathing, to which she chases him around the base with the bathtub. We get the rest of the crew standing nearby, looking at the latest Zoid serenely. After a second, we hear a crunch and an agonized scream. A beat later:

 Leon: *not turning to look* That didn't sound too healthy.

Toros: *also not turning* You okay Bit?

Bit: *groans*

  • What cracked this troper up was in the Tournament Arc at the end of the series, where the Zabre Team loses by default to the Blitz Team when their robots Face Fault and malfunction after the Judge accidentally introduces their team as "the Fuzzy Pandas".
  • The Judge getting pissed off at being hit by the Dark Judge (a Running Gag), so he attacks the Dark Judge, kicks his ass and awards the Shadow Fox to the Blitz team due to a technicality which Brad knew about.

 'Judge: (striking a kabuki pose) My word is the law on the battlefield!
