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Jonny Warner, a rebel who spells his name without the customary H, is the new transfer student at Enrico Fermi High School. He falls in love with good girl Toffee, the first woman who's ever loved him. Toffee's parents and principal Miss Strict pressure her to break up with him, and when she does, Jonny commits suicide by jumping into a vat of nuclear waste. He comes back as a zombie, and wants to take Toffee to the prom. Miss Strict, however, does not want any zombies at her high school. Jonny teams up with fame-seeking reporter Eddie Flagrante to campaign for zombie civil rights. It turns out that Miss Strict has a few secrets in her past.
Zombie Prom was originally an off-Broadway musical, and was made into a much-abridged film featuring RuPaul as Miss Strict.
This production contains examples of:[]
- Affectionate Parody: Of 1950 B Movies
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Jonny. Though the most rebellious thing he does is spell his name without an "h". Everyone (especially Miss Strict and Toffee's parents) still react as though he's a bad boy.
- All Musicals Are Adaptations: Averted. Was a musical first, and then a film.
- Back From the Dead: Jonny.
- Counterpoint Duet: "Where Do We Go From Here," though it's an ensemble number rather than a duet.
- Da Editor: Eddie Flagrante - especially prominent during the "That's the Beat for Me" sequence.
- Dark Reprise: "Then Came Jonny" is repeated at the start of the second act but is much more ominous because everything is going badly. This is Played for Laughs; the final punishment is cancelling the senior prom.
- Delinquents: Jonny is referred to as a juvenile delinquent, but the most rebellious thing he does is spell his name without the customary H.
- Driven to Suicide: Jonny.
- The Fifties
- Final Love Duet: "Forbidden Love"
- Ghost Ship
- Intrepid Reporter: Eddie Flagrante, though as the story progresses he seems to become genuinely interested in promoting equal rights for the undead.
- Letter Motif: Jonny, Joey, Jake, Josh
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Miss Strict and Eddie Flagrante turn out to be Jonny's parents, though Miss Strict doesn't find out until Jonny does.
- Meaningful Name: The principal's name is Miss Strict. Also, Enrico Fermi High school is named after the eminent nuclear physicist.
- Our Zombies Are Different: When Jonny comes back from the dead, the only thing different is that he is green. All he wants to do is take his girlfriend to the prom.
- Premiseville: Enrico Fermi High
- Resurrected Romance
- Smoking Is Cool: Parodied with True Blue Cigarettes in "Come Join Us". Sexy lady sings jingle. She coughs very unsexily at the end of the song.
- T-Word Euphemism: "The C Word"
- Theme Naming: Toffee, Coco, Ginger, Candy
- X Meets Y: Grease meets zombies.