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Zombie Strippers! is a 2008 movie written and directed by Jay Lee, reportedly inspired by a suggestion as to the most marketable film title possible. It centres on the "accidental" infection of a strip joint by a virus designed to offset the American Army's disastrously high body count in several world conflicts.

This movie contains examples of:[]

  • Action Girl - The female members of the zombie-killing squad are trained and capable in both weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Naturally, they are also as good looking as the strippers.
  • Affectionate Parody - the entire film is a humourous homage to 50's B-movies, zombie B-movies and thinly veiled political satire B-movies
  • Artistic License Military - Do NOT watch the first ten minutes with a trained soldier.
  • Bandito - an entire character is introduced to do little more than to play with this trope, and pretty much every other Mexican stereotype.

  "Badgers? We don't need no steenkin' badgers!"


  American Troops continue to be strung thin due to the still raging wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Venezuela, France, Canada, and Alaska.

  • EMP- used uselessly against the first wave of zombies
  • Fan Service - A movie about strippers!
  • Fan Disservice - A movie about zombie strippers.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot - Subverted. The one scene involving girl on girl on girl is when a stripper is getting turned into a zombie.
  • Groin Attack: ... what? You're surprised that a zombie stripper would BITE IT OFF?
  • Holier Than Thou - parodied into a cocked hat.
    • "I know we're Christians, and what you're doing is a sin, but the intent is, well, Christ-like with you sacrificing yourself and all. So what are morals? Do the ends justify the means? But then again the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so... darn, I'm out of cliches."
  • Magnificent Moustaches of Mexico
  • Men Are the Expendable Gender - in the movie, the virus only destroys male brains
  • Neat Freak - Ian the stripclub owner is obsessed with hygiene, to the extent he won't allow the strippers to touch him and he carries an aerosol of air freshener with him at all times
  • Only Sane Man - the black DJ
  • Our Zombies Are Different - Type P
  • Punny Name - Ian Essko. The movie is partly based on Ionesco's Rhinocéros
  • Stripperiffic - a movie based almost entirely around this trope (and most of it's sub-tropes) as well, including several lampshades.

  "Sir! I feel we're being exploited!"
