- Crowning Moment of Awesome/Music: Right here, see her singing the shit out of Screamin Jay Hawkins' "I Put A Spell On You" on Conan O'Brien.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: In the otherwise mediocre Sarah Jessica Parker/Matthew McConaughey romantic comedy Failure to Launch, her character Kit was singled out as the best part of the whole movie by numerous film critics.
- Hollywood Homely: A criticism of her works is that she often plays an "average" girl when in reality she's very beautiful and cute to boot!
- Hype Backlash: The fact that she's beaten to death, resurrected, then beaten to death again the whole awkward, adorkable, hipster/nerd with a touch of Manic Pixie Dream Girl, a lot of people are getting a little tired of it. She's possibly heading for a fall similar to Michael Cera.